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Inspiring Woman - Amber Harper

           I remember the first time meeting Amber...she had just joined the AAU team that I was playing on. Dynamite 87 was our team name...and we walked around looking like little boys, but you didn't want to see us on the court!! LOL!! I remember Amber came to the team with DEFENSE!!!! We both ended up leaving the team, and then randomly ended up at McMurry University together our freshman year. I only stayed at McMurry for a year...but that didn't stop any of the fun that was had! I vividly remember going out one night with Amber and some others, and they all entrusted me to drive us to and from the club without my glasses on. I can PROMISE you that we had the Lord and ALL of our guardian angels in the car with us that night!!!!!! Over the years I have watched Amber be a complete BOSS in everything that she has done...and lately have been sooooo inspired by her courage and determination to start her own business, and completely KILL it!!!!! I am so than...

Inspirng Woman - Le'Dawn Miller

     LISTEN.......I could spend forever telling you all about my relationship with this PHENOMENAL woman!! She has literally picked me up mentally and emotionally soooo many times, even to this day, during our 15+ yrs of friendship. She is my person, and in the beginning of our friendship we would spend HOURS on the phone with one another...most times not even saying a word...just having the comfort of the one another being on the line. She has seen me at some of my absolute lowest points...and walked right beside me, cheering me along, back up to where I wanted to be. Even when I don't say anything about what might be going on, she knows...and she is there for an encouraging word, a laugh, or even a kick in the ass to get me going...even when she is going through her darkest times. She's the friend that will tell you about a storm that she is in...but give you the shelter when you are going through yours at the same time. She literally inspires me to follow my dreams daily. Watching where she has taken her business, while also being a mom of 2 (my amazing God Kids!!), has been such a beautiful journey to witness!! I am sooooooo proud to be able to call her my BEST FRIEND, and sooo thankful that she agreed to participate and be featured!!! 

I introduce you to the PHENOMENAL Le'Dawn Miller 
*Generally speaking, what was your childhood like?
Crowded, yet lonely all in one. I had siblings and to this day my relationship is STRONG with them, yet I was a mama’s girl and a REAL snitch, lol, I stayed telling it on them. I do not anymore though, I learned my lesson afterwards.

*What have you learned over your lifetime that you’d like to share with the younger generation?
Do not let anyone deter you from your dreams, you will only end up having to apologize to yourself, and that is the hardest person to apologize to.

*What has the journey/process been like for you to get to where you are today?
Lots of ups and downs, doors slammed in my face and told NO flat out. But God has already specified what is for me, so I would never give up on His plan.

*What sacrifices have you had to endure to get to where you are today?
I literally sacrificed my own happiness, but I have no regrets as it was necessary for the growth that took place.

*What do you do for a living?
I am the owner and operator of Dawn’s Sweet Boutique

*What motivates you the most?
My children for sure. They make me want to give them everything they want and need and be a real role model for them.

*You are a complete BOSS…as a woman, why do you feel like creating this path for yourself was/is necessary?
I was a housewife for 1 year before I realized it was not for me. I needed to start this business. I cannot even begin to explain the feeling of being in control of your own destiny. My husband was always in full support of what I wanted to do, and I cannot toot my horn without tooting his as well for having my back.

*What was it like where you grew up?
It was Oak Cliff hunni, the hood, yes, but there is a nostalgic LOVE there. That kind “home” love is SO necessary for life.

*Describe your most important friendship(s).
My friendships with my friends of 8+ years, especially those of 15+ years. They have seen my good, bad, ugly, and all kinds of crying and craziness and for some reason they still love me FOR me.

*What did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a Chef, I have a deep-rooted love and appreciation for food.

*Were there any moments you recall as true breakthroughs in any area of your life?
I had a breakthrough dealing with depression and anxiety. My inexperience in the love area took me through an emotional rollercoaster. I am not sure what exactly helped me get through it, because it was a combination of things. Prayer, patience, time, love, maturity, meditation, so many things just really played a part.

*Have your dreams and goals changed through your life?
My dreams never changed, but courage to reach my dreams did.

*How do you define a “good life” or a “successful life?”
A successful life to me is one that you can look back on in pure happiness with no regrets because you know the regretful moments bought you happiness in some way, shape, or form. And that gives you such a comfort.

*Do you think a person needs to first overcome serious setbacks or challenges to be truly successful?
Yes, life is not a walk in the park, it is a mountain with lions and tigers and bears. It is not going to be easy, and honestly, where is the sense of accomplishment if it was too easy. Success is not given, it is EARNED.

*What would you like your children and grandchildren to remember about you?
How loving and supportive I am, as well as how protective I am over them. How willing I am to really do anything to protect them. People joke, but I am a real-life Mama Bear when it comes to my cubs.

*Who was the most influential person to you as a child?
That is tough because I had a village, but I would say my mama. I truly tip my hat to that woman. She prayed for me when I was too stupid to pray for myself.

*What is your greatest hope?
That my children will be my ancestors’ wildest dreams by reaching their dreams and making themselves happy in the process. I just want my children, grandchildren and beyond to be good people and happy at the end of the day.

*Anything you would like to say about your “platform” “area of expertise” “business” or anything at all?
“I’m a self-taught baker”, is something that I have heard so many times over the years and it is funny to me. I am not a self-taught anything, SOMEONE showed me something at some point. Rather it was my Mama Vera showing me what that cast iron do, or my MawMaw showing me how to have multiple streams of income, or my Aunt Ladell showing me how to be an independent woman, or my mama telling me to use a real oven instead of giving me an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas as a little girl…all those things really shaped my desire of wanting this for my life. My point is, someone showed you something along your journey that played a part in your life, give them those flowers, bake them that cake.

I am so so proud of EVERYTHING Le'Dawn has accomplished thus far, and KNOW that she is about to do even more!! Thank you sooo much for participating and agreeing to be featured!! I hope all of you enjoyed learning more about her!! And definitely hit her up for all things sweets...especially if you are in the SC area!!! I have listed all of her business socials below!!

Lots of Love 💙



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